General Conference – October 2023 Afternoon Session

Neil A Anderson – Quorum of the Twelve Apostles – I was not able to listen

Who is this? – Feast upon the words of Christ Daily. What does it look like to feast upon the words of Christ? Maybe gather as a family? Maybe gather with your children to read and discuss? Just try to find what works, then try to do a little better each day.

The cumulative consistent small efforts can turn into something great.

Help our children come to know Jesus Christ is the son of God.

Juaquin E Costa – of the Seventy – I was not able to listen.

Gary E Stevenson – Quorum of the Twelve Apostles – The sporting world focused on the womans World Cup. We marvel at those who have God given gifts they have developed into extraordinary abilities.

Gifts of the Spirit are similar. The Lord invites us to seek spiritual gifts. It is through painstaking laborious effort to achieve the greatest achievements. Likewise with spiritual gifts. Exercising spiritual gifts requires spiritual exercise.

What is the fruit of spiritual gifts? It includes promptings. In the last days we will need the constant companionship of the holy ghost.

1 – Stand in Holy Places. The temple. Ancestral Ordinances, Historic Motifs. Even the air in the room that I breath feels different. The holy spirit dwells in sacred places. Temples and homes.

2 – Stand with Holy People – Devotional in a sports arena. If you hope to feel the spirit, be with people where the spirit will dwell. Choose to be with people and be in places where holiness is found.

3 – Testify of Holy Truths whenever you can – Take opportunity to share your testimony with others.

4 – Listen to the Holy Spirit – He can be our constant companion, but he speaks in subtle tones.

Be certain that the feelings you receive are in align with your assignment. It’s like learning another language.

To be worthy of Zion, I need to exercise and develop spiritual gifts. I need to testify more.

Yoon Hwan Choi – of the Seventy – If you want to be happy. Stay on the covenant path.

Opps, I fell asleep.

The greatest lesson we can learn in mortality is that when God Speaks, we listen. I think I typed that up wrong. But I reminded me of what I tell my kids and primary kids (when I taught primary). The most important thing you can learn in your life is to learn to hear and recognize the Holy Ghost. That is so important. I cannot even say how much.

His wife received a testimony of his call to be bishop after he was released. Because it was too hard for you to walk, I walked for you. And she reflected and could see how God had walked with her through her trials.

It is never too late to turn our heart to heavenly father. When we follow Satan, we give him power. When we follow God, he gives us power.

I think there are a lot of people who will resonate well with his explanation of how he and his wife complement each other. But he used it as God giving her power to reach the top shelf. That was funny. My son quipped that his wife will be mad at him when he gets home.

To be worthy of Zion, remember the most important thing in life is to hear and recognize the voice of the Holy Ghost.

Alan T Phillips – of the Seventy – After visiting a service station, their son asked, where is Jasper? Jasper sits on his own in the back of the car. Their 5-year-old son was missing. He can not express the joy he felt when they were reunited. Many of the saviors teachings focus on lost things; lost coin, lost sheep, lost son.

Children of God – knowing we are all children of God will restore a sense of belonging. We are and always have been a son or daughter of God. Do not devalue your value to God. Where there is design, there is a designer. Judge less, love more.

The Redemptive Power of Jesus Christ – Christ is or rescuer and the healer of our souls. The yoke was a device that allowed the strength of a second animal to be linked to that of a single animal. What was overwhelming or unable to bare could be done with a single joke. You are not pulling life’s load alone.

Heavenly Father’s Love – Jasper is his son. He loves Jasper more than Jasper will ever know. If an earthly father feels this way about his mortal son, how much more does our father in heaven love us. Some of the most real things in life are not seen. They are felt. And they too are real.

To be worthy of Zion, I need to know I am God’s son. Stay yoked to him.

Ronald A Rasband – Quorum of the Twelve Apostles – The gathering of the house of Israel is the most important thing happening today. To gather Israel, we need missionaries. He is speaking to the older member of the church. As an apostle, he was asked to participate is assigning missionaries to their field of labor.

He saw there were only 10 couples to fill 300 mission requests for senior missionaries. Of all the qualifications, a desire is foundational. Law of the Harvest.

Shared a story of his own parents being Senor Missionaries.


This one is interesting. I would love serving another mission. I loved my mission. If I had nothing to worry about in life, my wife and children, employment, survival, etc; I would leave today. I know many left and served even though they had all those responsibilities. As far as being a senior missionary, the world may not survive long enough for me to have the opportunity.

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