General Conference – October 2023 Morning Session

This is my first year focused on being “Worthy of Zion” while watching General Conference.

My wife asked me the other day, what do I want out of General Conference? I asked her, what do you mean? She said, I should ask for some questions I would like answered while listening. I hadn’t thought about that. It wasn’t hard to come up with something to ask for. I want to know what I need to do to be “Worthy of Zion”.

So as I listen, I will be trying to answer that question for myself. There are sure to be things that will help me have Zion engraved upon my heart.

  • Not seek the praise of the world.
  • Have oil in my lamp.
  • Not be face blind.
  • Don’t take a break living the gospel.
  • Be compassionate like the Good Samaritan, give what and where I am able.
  • Become one who abides Celestial law. Seek Exaltation.


Elder David A. Bednar – Quorum of the Twelve Apostles – Talked about the last handcard entering the Salt Lake Valley. He also talked about those who were unknown yet exceedingly righteous. Unnoticeable and inconspicuous, yet no less serviceable. Most of the best people who ever lived were never very famous. Unpretentious consecrated lives. Decerning brothers and sisters who look for those they can serve without desiring acknowledgement or praise. This made me think of some of my neighbors. I have a bunch of neighbors who are like this. I couldn’t count the number of people I have seen act this way. Endure valiantly for the gospel of Jesus Christ.

Wow, isn’t that the truth. Amazing talk. I have worried and hoped my intentions with this blog are not to become popular or noticed. I don’t need to worry about becoming popular for this blog. The things I am writing about are not popular. And I am a poor writer. I’m surely to repel the general population. It is for that reason I have never even told a soul I am writing it. Not even my wife. ha ha ha. I figure if someone needs one of these messages, God will lead them to it.

To be worthy of Zion, I need to not seek the praise of the world. You know, my patriarchal blessing talks about this.

Amy A wright – General Primary Presidency – 10 virgins. Every time I hear this, I think of the song I wrote. 5 of them wise. We cannot share our oil. But it can provide illuminating light. Lovely talk.

FIVE OF THEM WISE – by Michael Priddis
There were ten virgins five of them wise,
Having prepared for that holy night.
Awaiting the hour the bridegroom would come,
in peace they slumbered till the call came forth.
The five foolish virgins pleaded for oil,
none could be spared in the final hour.
The bridegroom came and bid them to follow,
Five wise virgin’s lamps in hand.
They followed him to the wedding feast,
There to sit at the Savior’s feet.
The five foolish virgins knocked at the door,
The savior dismissed them saying, I knew you not.

To be worthy of Zion, I need to have oil in my lamp.

Robert Daines – of the Seventy – Man who was shot in the face and became face blind. As a young man he saw his mother as the rule maker. He saw his mother as she who must be obeyed. He didn’t notice her sacrifice. He didn’t notice she only wore the same two skirts, she was tired, eager for him to go to bed. He saw his mother’s rules but didn’t see her love.

Do we suffer from a spiritual face blindness. Do you not see the face of mercy or just the face of rules.

Is life just about following rules. Getting to heaven, rather than being with heavenly father.

Even Jesus’ disciples were face blind and could not see and recognize him. God is the father of all mercies. Prophets invite us to see his face. This is not a formula.

We will know the master if we serve him. To serve is to stand in the river of God’s love for his children. We are a party of picks and shovels to reach God’s children.

Wow, what an amazing talk.

To be worthy of Zion, I need to not be face blind. I need to see the face of the Lord.

Carlos A Godoy – of the Seventy – Arriving in Peru, he took the wrong taxi. You are Mormon, aren’t you? He didn’t take the wrong taxi. Elder Carlos Godoy promised him, he would be to church on his first day back. He shared this story for 2 reasons. 1) for some reason those good members have fallen away. 2) for those who are maybe not being as faithful as they could be.

  1. Good members who left the covenant path. He and his wife felt his children would be happier in life with the gospel. A decision to “take a break” from the church could last a lifetime.
  2. Today’s members who are not as faithful as they should be. The decisions of today will impact those decisions of our family members in the future. We should ask, where will this lead.

To be worthy of Zion: I need to, not take a break. Dig deep on those days I feel weak or like giving up. Ask myself, where will this lead?

D Todd Christopherson – Quorum of the Twelve – Gathering of the lost tribes of Israel. What is the purpose of the gathering of the lost twelve tribes? Defense? Refuge? Wrath is the natural consequence to disobeying the laws of God.

Baptism is the gate to receiving all the blessings promised to Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob.

Elijah restored the sealing power. Why Elijah? Because he holds the keys to administer all the keys. Otherwise, they would not be valid. We tend to think sealing to only relate to a particular temple ordinance. But it relates to all ordinances. All ordinances are recorded in heaven.

I need to go back and listen to this one again. And, look up a few things.

Ian S Ardern – of the Seventy – A journey through Africa. Women young and old walk 30 minutes a day to and from a water hole. They gather below two large trees that provide shade from the heat. Those who are there are there because they love God.

The church humanitarian efforts in Africa.

The parable of the good Samaritan. He helped a man who fell among thieves. The Samaritan had compassion upon him.

I don’t need to be rich to give what I can.

We partner with Catholic Relief and UNICIF to give to others. It does not require us to know them, it just requires us to love them.

To be worthy of Zion, I need to be compassionate. Give what I am able, then let Jesus Christ do the rest. Do what I can when others are in need.

Faith in Every Footstep Song – I love this song.

Dallin H Oaks – First Presidency – How is our church different? He wants us to all have a kingdom of glory.

In my father’s house there are many mansions. All the children of God will inherit one of three kingdoms of glory. After a period of suffering from their sins, all will proceed to a final judgement. There Jesus Christ will send all the children of God to one of these kingdoms of glory based on their choices. All the children of God can qualify for the highest kingdom.

I am going to need to review this one again also.

All of Gods children will inherit a Kingdom whose laws they can comfortably abide.

The celestial glory has three levels of glory. The they are Gods, even the sons and daughters of God. Gods plan founded on eternal truths. Gender is essential for this. The proclamation on the family is central to this.

During this mortal life, you get to choose which laws you want to obey. It completely honors your agency.

It is not enough to be convinced of the gospel; we must be converted. We must become something. This life is the time for us to prepare to meet God.

Salvation is an individual matter.

Exaltation is a family matter.

To be worthy of Zion, I must become one who abides Celestial law. Seek Exaltation.

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