End of Earth

Everyone has seen the images of the cosmos taken by the Hubble and James Webb Telescopes.

Some of the images are very interesting and thought provoking. Images of colliding galaxies, stars blowing up, and movement as though all the cosmoses are in motion. You can witness the difference stages of the evolutionary cycle of Gods creations. The cosmos is constantly in motion and constantly evolving.

If it is all moving and it all has the potential to be destroyed through collision or blowing up, all things could eventually pass away, or possibly pass through a new revolutionary creation period.

There is a part of me that wants to believe a galaxy or planet could not be destroyed. Yet there are images of those very things taking place.

Why would God do so? Maybe because it was planned and his work is finished?

I have read these verses hundreds of times, but today they stood out to me.

Moses 1:37-38
37 And the Lord God spake unto Moses, saying: The heavens, they are many, and they cannot be numbered unto man; but they are numbered unto me, for they are mine.
38 And as one earth shall pass away, and the heavens thereof even so shall another come; and there is no end to my works, neither to my words.

This verse explains this very action. As one earth and heaven shall pass away, another shall be created in its place. Because of this, there is no end to Gods’ works.

It does still leave one question unanswered, there are many glories and Gods children are each given a permanent and eternal glory. How does this work with that? I honestly don’t know. Maybe where God lives [Kolob] the earths and heavens do not pass away? And maybe their positions are fixed, and they are so far away they are not visible to man.

Then there is the question of; how God could create a planet big enough to permanently house all his children. But, when you look at the size of these Galaxies in relation to the size of man, or even billions and trillions of men. I’m sure God is able to create a dwelling place for them to permanently reside.

When watching this, the last planet it shows is Stephenson 2-1. This planet is so big, it fills a space about the size of Satarns orbit around our son. Surely a planet that size can house all the children of God. And that is the largest they have found. Surely if there is one that large, there is one larger than it.

Based on what Abraham 3 says, Kolob would be greater than this, because Kolob is the greatest of them all.

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