Two interesting things from today

Story Number #1

I was at work today and one of my coworkers told me a story about a concert he had gone to the night before. It was Pantera and Lamb of God, two heavy metal bands. He said there came a point in the concert where they asked everyone in the audience to flip the bird. His daughter looked at her dad knowing it was bad, but asking what should I do? I listened to him explain that he told her it wasn’t a big deal and just do what everyone else is doing.

I wanted to scream inside and say NO. You should have told her No, it’s bad.

It reminded me of a clip I saw a few days earlier of the Heavy Metal band Disturbed. They were making a big deal about a family sitting on the front row. They had a child with them. The singer went out of his way to talk to the parents and the kid. Then he said he loved that a Disturbed concert was a family affair. Then he goes on to say; “what is the worst thing a child is going to encounter? A little bit of profanity?” “We live in a world where there are so much more vile and ugly things in it than profanity. ” Ugg. He closes with “sometimes darkness can show you the light.”

It reminds me of when I went to a Metallica concert many years ago (Maybe 91-92). They were showing a video of the band driving into town. When driving past the Salt Lake Temple, one of the band members lifted the middle finger to the LDS Temple. Every one of the 20,000 people in attendance did the same. Well, I’m sure a few didn’t, but there were a lot of people flipping off the temple.

Story Number #2

My uncle is not being very good. Somehow I brought him up at work with one of my coworkers and how his value system had flipped on its head. Seriously, he has left a wake of broken morals in his path. I pulled up his website (I won’t share it) and on doing so pulled up a vary racy photo.

I realized later that I did the very thing we as Latter-Day Saints talk about. If someone tries to show you a bad picture, pornography etc, turn away tell them it is bad and you don’t want to participate. Yet, here I was sharing it. I was a horrible example today.

My path to Zion was a failure today. I don’t feel I increased my worthiness.

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