The Burning Book – A Jewish Latter Day Saint Story

I listened to this video while mowing and edging the lawn today. It was a bit longer than expected so I listened while weeding and going other chores as well.

I’ve listened to this Mormon Book Reviews channel a few times and find it a very objective. I like that Steven approaches Mormonism with a very open mind even though he is an evangelical and not a Latter-Day Saint. He has done enough research he really seems to know what he is talking about and is able to engage in constructive conversation very effectively. Not saying I am a good judge of character, but I am at least familiar enough that I can tell when someone is asking questions from a place of genuine curiosity or from a place of hostility.

Historically, I was a manager in LDS bookstore’s for 10 years managing various Seagull Book and Deseret Book stores. I have read a lot, I have studied a lot, I have had a lot of interaction with those within the LDS book community. My uncle is also the managing editor of the LDS book publisher Signature Books. Signature Books focuses on a number of books, authors, and subject matters that conflict with the church. I remember the last time I visited him at his work he was showing me a series of books he was publishing that would prove the Book of Mormon had been altered from its original manuscript. All while expressing his knowledge with enthusiasm, brotherly kindness, and genuine sincerity. I don’t get that impression from Steven.

In this particular video he is talking to Jason Olson one of the authors of “The Burning Book“. Jason tells his fascinating life story journeying from Judaism to Mormonism. Wow, what an amazing story. There were so many parts that I felt were amazing

  • His dual religion family
  • His Jewish education
  • His learning under different Rabbi’s
  • His willingness to speak to his Latter Day Saint friends
  • The conflict in his home about being baptized.
  • His conversion story when he tried to burn the Book of Mormon.

Honestly, there was so much about this story that I loved, I’m going to buy the book.

The part that had the biggest impact on me, next to his conversion, was explanation of the Jews waiting on a Lion, yet were given a Lamb. I’m sure someone has articulated this before. But it seemed to be the first time the puzzle pieces fit for me.

The first coming of Jesus was:

– The Jews (Israel) received a Lamb
– The Nephites (America) received a Lion.
The second coming of Jesus is:
– The Gentiles (America) received a lamb.
– The Jews (Israel) will get a Lion.

It’s like it follows the scripture: first shall be last and the last shall be first concept.

What Jason points out was how apparent it was when he read the Book of Mormon, with real intent because of the conversion he had had, the language he was familiar with jumped off the pages. When he saw that indeed the Mesiah, the Lion, had indeed come. Just not to the Jews in Jerusalem.

It was lovely to listen to in this video. I was very impressed.

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