NF – My opinion about the rapper NF

Aug 19, 2023

I went to an NF concert a week ago with Robbie. I was blown away. It was so powerful. I was so impressed. I would actually be a bit embarrassed to completely explain the way it impressed me.

So, I went on an NF journey throughout the last week. Listening to his songs, reading up on him, listening to reviews, reels, and reactions. A whole bunch of stuff.

Here are my reactions, a few things I observed, and a few other thoughts.

  • NF is negative and depressing.
  • He sings about some life experiences, but I’m not 100% sure if they are all his life experiences
  • He is telling a story like a novelist would, only through song and over multiple albums, like a series
  • His depression
  • His mother
  • His inner demons
  • Subliminal messaging throughout the songs and videos. Interlacing through multiple albums.
  • His inner struggle to become noticed, successful, famous, etc
  • Rejection
  • People who relate to his music are infatuated with him
  • He’s religious, Christian
  • He isn’t religious, or practicing Christianity
  • The black balloons and struggles
  • The shopping cart is him carrying/pushing his struggles with him
  • The black clown smile is his fake smile. He is smiling even though deep inside his heart and mind are dark and not smiling.
  • He is suffering

Does the good outweigh the bad? What is the good and bad?


  • Well-crafted songs
  • The beats
  • The orchestration
  • The stories
  • Some of the motivational points
  • Releasing deep feelings, anger, trauma
  • The music is clean
  • No swearing, sex, violence against others


  • The depression
  • The anger
  • The hopelessness
  • The journey through despair
  • It’s tough, fierce, aggressive, angry, in some cases demonic.

I would go as far as saying some people think he is a music and lyrical genius almost God-like. Only not God-like, but rather anti-God because it does not bring people to God, and that statement alone seems to contradict this idea that he is a “Christian” rapper.

I found myself hearing the beats and tidbits of lyrics through my mind at work, at home, in my car, in moments of silence.

I found myself unable to focus on the spiritual. It’s almost like the line of communication with God was broken this last week.

As I’m writing this, Robbie (my son) walks out of his room telling Isaiah (my other son), “NF is the cleanest rapper there is”. (Palm to face)

Last night I sat down to write something that was religious in nature. Moments before I had listened to a few NF songs (I had been immersing myself). I could not focus. I wrote a line of gibberish and closed my laptop. It was all I could do.

I pondered through the night why my thoughts could not form. My mind settled on my obsession with NF over the last week. I thought about “For the Strength of Youth”. “In our day music itself has been corrupted. Music can, by its tempo, by its beat, by its intensity, dull the spiritual sensitivity of men.”

I can see that his music may benefit some. His music may help some come to grips with deep seated inner trauma, or release built up anxiety and anger.

But does it bring men and women closer to God. No.

Mentioning God, Faith, and Hope in a song does not draw one closer to God. It does not teach a man to pray, or even look to God.

3 Nephi 11;29-30

29 For verily, verily I say unto you, he that hath the spirit of contention is not of me, but is of the devil, who is the father of contention, and he stirreth up the hearts of men to contend with anger, one with another.

30 Behold, this is not my doctrine, to stir up the hearts of men with anger, one against another; but this is my doctrine, that such things should be done away.

A person may need to hit rock bottom in life and NF may be the jam to enjoy on the road of anger and dispair all the way down to rock bottom and eternal disparate. This seems to be the road NF is on.

But, true hope is found through the teachings of Jesus Christ; songs and stories that turn our hearts and our minds towards him. He is hope.

I will likely enjoy a brief moment here and there when I hear NF’s beats, as I would with ACDC or Metallica, but I can’t have you in my playlist.

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