Instant Backache

I thought I would include this experience I wrote in my journal. So here it is.

Yesterday morning as I was going to work I seem to be kind of forgetting everything and having to go back-and-forth and back-and-forth from the house numerous times to try to get myself on the way to work. 

As I got into the truck I was thinking about listening to the next book or finishing the book I was listening to in the Apocrypha, which was Baruch.  As I got into the truck, my back started to throb in sharp bursts of pain, down where my kidneys are.  It was a throbbing pain that felt like somebody had punched me in the kidneys and my muscles were spasming.

My first thoughts were not that I have a major medical condition.  My first thought was, Heavenly Father what am I doing wrong? ,  Immediately my mind shifted to, maybe I’m not supposed to listen to the Apocrypha today?  Maybe I should listen to the scriptures?  

I opened up the LDS app, and the whole time I was thinking Father this really hurts. Find something fast. As I opened up the app, I thought well maybe I should look at the teachings of the prophets.  Then, maybe I should listen to General Conference?   

So as I open the app, I thought I should toggle to the last General Conference. Then I thought I should look at the prophet’s talks from the last General Conference. Then I came across President Nelson’s talk from this last conference, “The Lord Needs Peacemakers”. I love that talk. 

I turned it on and started listening to it. The pain that I was feeling started to go away.  As I started to drive to work, it went away and it never came back. 

Work is busy and hectic.  It is often difficult to pause.  While I was sitting there towards the middle of the day, I thought I should say a prayer.  I held my face in my hands and started saying a prayer. I had this overwhelming, like really strong feeling of the Holy Ghost settle on me.  I have had some personal difficulties I have been facing. As I prayed, I had this peaceful feeling settle over me setting my mind at ease by saying that everything was gonna work out all right.  The feeling was so strong that I felt like I could just go about my day and not worry about it.  And I did. 

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