A few thoughts on the last days

I remember as a kid, maybe in my early teens doing the math and thinking to myself, in the year 2000 I will be 27 years old. I can’t even imagine living that long. I couldn’t picture anything about what my life would be like.

Now, looking back on it, at the age of 50 in the year 2023, I am continually amazed at what life has become. There are surely good and bad aspects of life, but as a whole it is amazing to think of where I ended up. There have been tremendous challenges and growth that were my own creation through life choices. And there have been tremendous challenges and growth that were the creation of others. At this point in my life, I feel pretty confident that even though there was a lot of choice by myself and others, that God had a hand in designing it all.

The future. I have had enough connection with God and enough spiritual experiences in life that I know the scriptures are true. They point to these times and testify of these times. They paint a picture that is both great and terrible. The study of it fascinates me. Partially because I would love to witness so much of it. But will I?

I can’t see the future. I have prayed to see it. Yet nothing. I occasionally have glimpses, deja vu’s, odd things I have dreamt that more of less let me know that I am on a course that was designed for me. Or at least make me aware that God is aware of me and my path in life. But, nothing on the end times. I can honestly say, I don’t know what to expect. So, I wait. Looking for the signs with great excitement. I’m thrilled to guess what could happen, having no real idea, but fascinated by the theories of what could happen.

I realize things can be taken to the extreme. So, I try to be careful to not rush off and chase anything too extreme. I’m careful to try to follow the holy ghost. To use the litmus test of the gospel with it. Does it correlate with the scriptures or the teachings of the prophets?

What do I expect? I have always been fixated on the idea that the Book of Mormon is a mirror of our time. For no other reason than that, I expect everything to follow a similar pattern and end in about 2033-2034. Could I be completely wrong. Yes. Don’t listen to or follow me. I’m no scholar and no prophet. Infact, I have so many flaws I am barely a saint a times. If that is to happen, there are some pretty devastating things that need to take place before that time.

What are the signs I am looking for? Currently, I am fascinated by the 2017 and 2024 eclipses. Could something happen because of them? Maybe? I doubt it.

Why do the two eclipses fascinate me? The fact they were 7 years apart from another is amazing. They cross so many LDS church history sites. The 2017 eclipse crossing those in Missouri; the 2024 eclipse crossing those in Ohio and New York. They both cross the New Madrid fault in Missouri and the southern tip of Illinois. I find those points alone fascinating. I watched the series Hidden in the Heartland about the Hopewell tribes and the theory that they could be the people of Nephi. Not saying they are, but if they are, the idea of those things taking place here make the eclipses much more interesting. In one of the shows, they talked about there being a fortress style structure on the southern tip of Illinois. Right in the vicinity of where the two eclipses cross. Is it coincidence? Maybe. Is there some other greater significance? It simply has not been revealed.

Where do I expect to in the last days? I can only hope I survive.

What else do I find interesting or fascinating about the last days? I started this blog because I want to be “worthy” to enter Zion. Whether I make it there on foot or not. I want to be worthy should I be called. That is my greatest focus. To overcome the world and be worthy.

With that said, a massive earthquake in SLC. I kind of feel if I make it past that, I have a good chance of making it to Zion. But honestly, will there be an earthquake? The prophet and apostles seem to think so. Why else would they reinforce the SLC Temple to make it earthquake proof? I think the Angel Moroni dropping its trumpet was pretty significant (maybe even the fulfillment of an end of days prophecy). Who would have thought a small earthquake in Magna would lead to the Angel Moroni dropping his trumpet? Was it the fulfillment of Amos 3:14 “That in the day that I shall visit the transgressions of Israel upon him I will also visit the altars of Beth-el :(the temple) and the horns (trump) of the altar shall be cut off, and fall to the ground.” I don’t know, but it is interesting.

KSL Reported on March 18, 2020: “The Salt Lake Temple, which is undergoing a seismic upgrade, sustained some minor damage during Wednesday morning’s earthquake,” according to a Church spokesman. “The trumpet on the Angel Moroni statue fell off, and there is minor displacement of some of the temple’s smaller spire stones. No workers were injured. Crews on the job site have been sent home for the day, and a full assessment is underway to determine needs going forward. This event emphasizes why this project is so necessary to preserve this historic building and create a safer environment for all our patrons and visitors.”

  • Covid Outbreak – Jan 2020
  • Magna Earthquake – Mar 18, 2020
  • LDS temples Closed – Mar 25, 2020

What about all the other prophecies about the last days? Honestly, even though I may learn about them or talk about them, the ones that cause me to fear the most are the conditions of men. How do I protect my wife and children, especially my children? Wow, there is evil everywhere. I see families falling away from the church. I see children falling away from the church. I see the decay of values and family. Evil is everywhere you turn. I fear for my children growing up in this world. I can only hope and pray they have the strength to overcome. Truly the “The Family A Proclamation to the World” was a revelation for our day.

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