How did I do this week? July 27, 2023

Wow, it has been a crazy week or two. Work has been hard. My car broke down. Shortly after my car broke down, I had planned to go with my boys on a young men’s campout. That was inconvenient.

They car issue was fun. I had driven up to what felt like the highest point at Deer Valley ski resort to look at a house for work. As I pulled up, my car lost all its power and the check engine light started flashing aggressively. I tried to drive back but the car wouldn’t dive over 30 to 40 mph. I had to get on a freeway to get home. I knew that wasn’t going to happen safely, so I had to call a tow truck and get towed from Park City, Utah to Cedar Hills, Utah where I live. About 60 miles. It was pretty inconvenient. But I am safe and alive. I’m including a photo from right where my car broke. Honestly, my car couldn’t have broken in a more beautiful inconvenient spot.

It has felt as though my life has been scattered all over the place. I finally fasted again this last Wednesday and Thursday. As I fasted, in my weakness, I felt strength. I felt cleansed. I felt closer to God. It was actually beautiful. I remember reflecting upon it yesterday (Thursday) at the end of my fast; how physically weak I felt, but at the same time, how spiritually and mentally clean (clear) and alive I felt. My prayers were not answered, but they don’t always need to be. I have borrowed a truck from work while I wait for my car to be fixed and that has made life and work easier. My family has still seen the same struggles. But I have felt the strength of God in my life.

I have a few other weaknesses I am trying to overcome. One is wasting a lot of time playing games on my phone. I reduced that this week. One has been reducing the amount of news I consume and where I consume it from. There are news sites that I believe seek to cripple humanity. I feel like I have been able to reduce that. I’m sorry but I do use some bad language at times and lack patience and understanding with my kids. Curbing those things went really well, until last night. There are such good kids. I do more to set a better example. I’ve been contemplating some activities I think my kids would enjoy. I just need to do it.

Fasting – 2 days in the last two weeks. That seems OK.
Scriptures – I have done poor the last few weeks.
Prayer – I have done well with this. I have spent lots of time praying.

There really isn’t a goal. I just figure if I can consistently fast, read scriptures, and pray I will find myself becoming more worthy of entering Zion. Can I live in a way that someone who lives in Zion would live? I think I can, but obviously I have a bit more work to do.

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