The Lords Process

I was really struggling the last few days. My car broke down. My wife and I were not seeing eye to eye on a few things. Work has been tough, on top of a few days missed, needing to make up work to stay on track.

I was listening to Journey to the Veil and what I heard really hit home for me. Mainly Reset and start over.

Chapter 79
The Lords Process
1 – Start where you are
2 – Harken to the voice of the Holy Spirit in the things of your everyday life.
3 – When the next line or precept appears, embrace it.

He goes on the talk about a regular member.
He goes to church.
He pays a full tithing.
He does about half of his home teaching (ministering)
He calls family prayers twice a week.
He feels guilty for not doing family home evening.
He’ll give a priesthood blessing if someone needs it.
He has to pray and mentally prepare to get ready.
He doesn’t read the scriptures.
He’s the second councilor in Elders Quorum.
He goes to the temple a few times a year when needed.
He prays the same prayer every night.
He wants spiritual blessings but does not see them around him.
He wonders what is wrong.

The passage goes on to explain that spiritual things are abounding around him, including the Holy Ghost trying to prompt him. The Holy Ghost is prompting him on every one of the issues mentioned above.

If he harkened to even one prompting, his life would begin to change.

Wow, Mr 50% is almost like me. I Mr 60%. So much of that mentioned above is the cycle I fell into. I was the Mediocre Member. (Mormon)

I’ve been trying to do more, but where do you start?

1 – Start where you are
2 – Harken to the voice of the Holy Spirit in the things of your everyday life.
3 – When the next line or precept appears, embrace it.

The goal is to be obedient to the lord.
As you show obedience, you are given more until the Lord knows, you will be obedient no matter what.

As I was praying about this, I remembered this was part of the cause of this blog. I was living as a mediocre member, wondering why the answers were not there. Well, I was only living half the gospel. Then praying one day, I was enlightened to realize my path was to be “worthy of Zion”.

HarkenHow do you do that?

1 – Start where you are
2 – harken to the voice of the Holy Spirit in the things of your everyday life.
3 – When the next line or precept appears, embrace it.
4 – Then repeat step 1

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