A Sacrifice I Am Unwilling to Make

A sacrifice I am unwilling to make.
And it hits home again.

In the previous post about the mediocre member (Mormon), I discussed the Lord’s Process outlined by John Pontius.    I have to say the thing I liked the most about it was simply starting from where you are.  Nothing sophisticated.

But how can you start if there are things you are unwilling to change?  The reasons could be sin, habit, appetite, embarrassment, the chance of appearing stupid, the belief you will fail, or whatever it is.

John suggests a simple sacrifice.
I can not see his prayer, his suffering, his pleading, his mistakes, his starting over again and again, his refiner fire.
Simple acts of obedience will begine to lead us a step closer. 

Interjecting.  As I listen to John’s words there is a great desire to live a life of faith like his.   The words are heard, and the example is seen, but what was not seen is the life he lived leading up to who became. 

I cannot see all his life choices.
I cannot see his sacrifices.
I cannot see the years it took to learn and develop.
I cannot see his prayer, his suffering, his pleading, his mistakes, his starting over again and again, his refiner fire.

This brings up the idea of repenting at some future date.  When I was young it seemed common for kids to believe, I’ll just repent. President Nelson stated that only those who have paid the price for priesthood power will be able to save their families in the coming days.   If the path is long the journey can not be made in an instant, and afternoon or overnight.  Or, you may not be far enough along the path when the strength of the Lord or priesthood power is needed.

One way to look at this is when you give a blessing can you immediately and confidently give it because you have paid the price to have priesthood power.   Or do you need to prepare, ask forgiveness, plead for the spirit.  If you already have the holy ghost as your companion, if you already hear him and know his voice, the preparation was done over a time and maybe even a lifetime.  You are worthy and living in such a way that all you need to do is open your mouth and you know it will be filled with the will of God.  In other words, as the Lord speaks to you, you have learned to obey and speak his words.  The blessing the Lord desires to give them will be given by you.   

Honestly, I’ve had my days I’ve asked the Lord to look beyond my sins and my weaknesses in order to give someone the blessing they need.  I don’t like feeling as though I’m in that situation.  Even worse, there have been times in my life I could not give a blessing.  I’ve also been in a situation where I have simply cleared my mind and asked the Lord for the blessing and feeling as though the inspiration flowed.  I’ve also been in a situation where I have put my hands on their head and immediately commanded them to be healed.  

This happened a few months ago.  We were sitting at home on a Sunday afternoon when my daughter instantly curled over on the floor in excruciating pain.  We were about to take her to the ER but called a close neighbor to come help give her a blessing.  After he anointed her, I put my hands on her head, and without hesitation, the words just came out of my mouth commanding her to be healed.  Amen.   

Buy John Pontius Books:

   Buy Journey to the Veil on Amazon  Buy Journey to the Veil II on Amazon

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