How did I do this week? June 30, 2023

I was reflecting today on my efforts to be Worth of Zion.

I have had so much going on.

  • I had a big conference I had to prepare for at work
  • I had the conference
  • I had a lot of work to make up due to the conference
  • I had dealers come into town that put me further behind
  • I was already behind due to going on trek
  • I had to prepare for a talk in sacrament meeting last Sunday
  • I have felt completely exhausted the last few days

Isn’t it funny how life catches up with you.

  • I haven’t fasted for maybe 2 weeks
  • I haven’t prayed as much as I should
  • I haven’t read my scriptures as much as I should
  • There is a long list of things I could have done to be a better father and husband
  • There is a long list of things I could do to be a better person
    • Stand in holy places
    • Eye single to the Glory of God

I’m always so amazed how easily I can fall prey to the vices of this world.

I have listened to some presentations on the last days. They were OK. I wouldn’t necessarily call them uplifting and inspiring.

If I rated my week, It would not be high. Or still needs improvement.

I think about the atonement in situations like this; weeks like this. Jesus is going to have to be pretty forgiving if I am to go anywhere good.

So one measurement I would look at is, when is the last time I felt the Holy Ghost. Not a lot recently. I did during my talk last Sunday. I didn’t when I swore at work this week. That was interesting. I could picture the word in my mind as I was saying it. It was like slow motion thinking it and simultaneously saying it, then realizing I didn’t need to. D’oh.

Nothing I can do about it now.

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