
I was mowing the lawn today and noticed a number of dandelions growing in the lawn.  I’m not sure why but at that moment my thoughts reflected upon my neighbor David.  

David is a great guy and has a beautiful family.  We have been neighbors for years.  At times, we have sat outside and talked about our yards.  I remember one time seeing him outside on his hands and knees with a tool, pulling dandelions out of his lawn.  I thought it was kind of foolish and if my recollection is right, told him so.  

A short while ago David was diagnosed with a tumor in his brain.  Everyone in the neighborhood rallied to help his family.  I remember on day going over there with a bunch of men to perform some service.  There were far too many men for all of us to adequately help.  I found myself just standing there.  

As I stood around, I noticed the dandelions in the grass in his front yard.  I reflected back on David tediously pulling their roots out.  It was important to him.  So, while all the others performed what appeared to be the more labor, I went and got my tools, got down on my hands and knees, and started digging out those pesky dandelions in his front lawn.  It took a sometime.  I remember people walking by me as I just focused and worked. At times I felt like what I was doing was meaningless. When I finished, I knew David would love the way his lawn looked. And people coming over to visit his family would see his nice lawn. He could be proud of it.  

Anyhow, as I mowed my lawn today, I saw those pesky dandelions in my lawn, that I am too lazy to dig out.  They caused me to reflect fondly on this memory and service for my neighbor.  Even though the act was simple, it was meaningful to me and meaningful service. 

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