Love All Mankind

I was writing a talk for church this coming Sunday. As I did so, my heart pondered upon the love for all mankind.

As I pondered, I remember back to a time I feel I had a glimpse of how Heavenly Father loves all his children. I was one day reflecting upon how lucky I was to live in a neighborhood with so many good people. I lived in American Fork, Utah, at the time. Our ward / neighborhood was basically 100 houses with 95% all active members of the church.

As I started to think of individual neighbors, I was filled with this love for who they were. Their strengths, character, their service, and friendships, and the trials I have seen them pass through. I could not help but feel this immense love for each one of them. As I thought about person after person, I was overwhelmed with this feeling of love and compassion for each one of them.

I tried to think about each person and the feelings became overwhelming. I did not have the capacity in my heart and mind to bare it all. But God our Father does. His love is infinite and eternal.

I was not comparing myself to them; or wishing I was them or like them or had what they had. It was truly just a feeling of love for who and what they are. A child of God

Before we disparage and denigrate another, I hope and pray we remember who that person is. They are a child of God. They have infinite and eternal worth.

I write this as a reminder to myself as well.

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