Book of Enoch

So, I am not a scholar. I’m not a good writer either. I’ll be the first to admit that. With that said, I’m going to make a few comments about The Book of Enoch.

I was working in the garage tonight and thought I would listen to the Book of Enoch while working. I do read, but I would much rather listen to books. It’s kind of weird, I feel I listen, think and grasp a little bit more listening than reading. I have tried to read the Book of Enoch a few times, but don’t remember getting anything out of it.

I found this series on YouTube where a gentleman reads the whole book in three videos. I like the guy’s voice. The reading was very good and easy to listen to.

As I listened, I was blown away by a few things. Here were some of my thoughts.

  • Secret Combinations
  • Tree of Life
  • A vision of the creations
  • The war in heaven
  • A vision like Joseph Smith and the degrees of glory
  • A vision of spirit prison and hell
  • The tree of life in the New Jerusalem
  • The order of the stars
  • The magnificence of the Lord God
  • How could they feel this is not scripture?

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