When I listened to the Journey to the Veil book, it talks about fasting a lot. Using it to master your body and obedience. I tried to make this m focus this week. As I fasted, did I experience any of the following?
- Feel the Holy Ghost more?
- Could I feel the Holy Ghost ask me to start and stop?
- Did I feel inspired to fast any specific days?
- Did I accompany my fast with prayer?
- Did the Holy Ghost take away my desire to sin.
- Draw close to God
- Gain inspiration
What did my fast consist of?
- Prayer in the evening – Maybe 10 PM
- Skip Breakfast
- Skip Lunch
- Prayer before dinner – Maybe 5 to 6 PM
- My fasts were mostly 17 to 18 hours each day.
Feel the Holy Ghost more?
Yes, I did. I felt it almost every day I fasted.
Could I feel the Holy Ghost asking me to start and stop?
- I fasted Sunday, it was fast Sunday.
- Monday, on my own, no prompting to do so.
- Tuesday, on my own, no prompting to do so.
- Wednesday, on my own no prompting to do so.
- Thursday, I didn’t fast, and I felt bad that didn’t. There was kind of a tugging feeling that I should, but I had fasted so many days already. I didn’t. I felt kind of bad.
- Friday, I fasted because I didn’t on Thursday. It felt good. But, I didn’t necessarily feel prompted to do so.
Did I accompany my fast with prayer?
Yes, every one of them. Praying to start and finish, and prayers throughout the day. I don’t recall having any mighty prayers. I had a lot going on this last week. It was hard to get focused to spend the time having mighty prayer.
Did the Holy Ghost take away my desire to sin?
I admit my biggest vices right now are:
- Scrolling on social media
- Movies – Not necessarily bad movies, but some that swear and talk about adult things too often. I realize they are bad.
I was thinking this last week about getting rid of the subtle evils in my life. Those two things would be right there on that list. Especially scrolling on social media; anything can appear. Next thing you know you have wasted an hour and see dozens of things you would not naturally look for or watch.
Draw closer to God
Yes, I feel I did draw closer to God.
Gain Inspiration
Yes, I do feel like I had some inspiration.
Now, try it again to see if I can do better.