Feeling Some Ups and Downs

I have felt the ups and downs of my journey lately.  Some days I feel so close, other days so distant.  Either way, my desire to walk this path have not wavered.  

I’m not sure I know more about enduring to the end other than that it needs to be done. I was talking to a cousin of mine recently and he expressed how unfair it seemed to be that we are required to walk this difficult path and others, for example, those in the millennium will never be required to walk the difficult path of the last days. 

I don’t think about it that way.  Either we chose to walk a more difficult path, or we were given a more difficult path for our own growth.  Whether one path or another, my only path is this one.  I have no other choice than succeed on this path I have been given.  

I have but one life and one path and either way it leads to death and judgement before God.  Did I follow His path or not?  It does not matter what anyone else’s path was.  

So, in the difficult days, did I have charity?   Did I walk humbly?  Did I love God and love my neighbor?  Better yet, did I do those fundamental things.

  • Did I pray
  • Did I read my scriputres
  • Did patiently listen for the direction of the Holy Ghost

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