Where Do I Start My Path to Zion?

What are the things I know I need to do to become worthy of zion?
I can tell you I am still unsure what I need to do.
I do know a few things.
I’m not a very complicated person. So, my steps are fairly simple.
I don’t think the path is through finding the answers to profound scholarly questions.
#1 – Draw nearer to God.
#2 – My heart be filled with charity.
#3 – When the Holy Ghost speaks, listen and follow.

I guess that would basically be the two great commandments.
#1 – Love God
#2 – Love My Neighbor
#3 – Follow the Holy Ghost

I know that is easier said than done. 

I have a few things I know I need to do personal development wise.
#1 – Fast
#2 – Sincere Prayer
#3 – Scripture Study
#4 – Look for opportunities to give to others
#5 – Let Gods will prevail over mind.

I just realized that is what President Nelson has been asking us to do, “Let God Prevail”. 

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