NYNYS Mission March 28-31, 1996

March 28, 1996

Wow was today a pretty good day. We went tracking and taught two very good discussions. Wow, the highlight of the day was the baptism. Wow. Joseph and Kenya got baptized. It was so spiritual. The other day I had thought I was going to bless Kenya or give her the Holy Ghost and I did. Wow. I felt the spirit of God flowing through my body. I blessed her with an incredible blessing actually the Lord did, but I was his mouthpiece. It was cool Elder Taylor became a very good friend of mind. I do say I like him and Elder Neilson was there. I got a letter from Marshall (Wilde). Wow, the man was inspired. Heavenly Father works in crazy ways. He helps me see the light of the great work and gave me hope when I thought all was lost. What a good friend I have in him.

March 29, 1996

Well, I’ve had a bladder problem for the past week. Today I was on a split with Elder Tucket and Elder DeGraffenried. We were knocking on a door in an ally and I had to go so bad. But no. I wanted to wait. We were on Jamaica Ave and I couldn’t hold it anymore. I peed right on Jamaica Ave, in the middle of the day. Wow, I’m glad not too many people noticed. At least I made sure nobody was walking by. There are always cars driving by though. Other than that, what a day. One day closer to the end of the month. Transfers and conference I’m excited. Wow Wow Wow. I’ve been such a slacker lately. I need to work so much harder, do much more, my best.

March 30, 1996 (Saturday)

Wow, we taught 2nd discussion today, not bad. But the high light of the night was going to the Cruze home. The wife related to us a dream she had had. The thing is that she had the same dream twice. The first and second time we visited them. She said she was standing in clouds and then she saw Joseph Smith and behind him were the twelve apostles and Joseph was asking her why don’t you repent? Please repent of all your sins. Let them go. And then they all broke into praising Jesus Christ saying Hallelujah and blessing his name. The funny thing is her husband has got to think he has a seer for a wife but it doesn’t help him. She knows it doesn’t help him. She knows it is true. What greater witness is there than that from God. Luis is still having a hard time but I’m not going to give up on him. Good luck Luis. go go go. Boutizate! Levantente y bautizite! (I may have said that wrong)

March 31, 1996 (Sunday)

On the last day of the week, the sisters (English) gave us a cake today for fun. I thought it was cool and nice. Old Luis got pilled on at church in the priesthood. He was asked a good question by the teacher (he was inspired) and they started telling him he had no faith and were ripping on him because he wouldn’t get baptized and because he wouldn’t pray. It was kind of crazy. As we talked in church today I shared the one-by-one scripture (that ways bring in the spirit) I almost started to cry but caught myself. The spirit was so strong it made the words flow right through my lips and I had no problem trying to speak. I forgot a word and asked the other missionaries what the word was. It was kinda funny. I told the people I was the one who couldn’t speak much Spanish and my words surprisingly came out so easy. I had no script and my pronunciation was remarkably good. Then people started teasing me after. OK you can’t speak much Spanish? Ha ha ha. Funny right? I felt dumb.

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