Thoughts on the Worthy of Zion Blog

I have thought about what I should call this blog and I like the name Worthy of Zion.  I like that name because it explains what this journey is: me trying to become worthy of Zion.   It’s not that I am.  I’m sure some will misconstrue that.  But it is rather the journey to become worthy of Zion.  On my recent path of self-discovery, I realized that is what I would really like.  I wanted to walk a Zion path and I wanted to be worthy to enter Zion if my lot in life brought me to that point.   I’m not sure that it will.  But, if I were to one day stand at the gate, I want to be worthy to enter. 

Do I have all the answers? Obviously not.  Otherwise, I would not need to take the journey.  However, if I can discover and I can help others discover at the same time, why not share and do my part to help lift those around me. 

I will warn you right now.  I was not an English major.  I barely passed all my English classes.  Those who read this will likely see many flaws in my writing.  Please look beyond my weakness and instead of being critical about my flaws and weaknesses, try to see and feel what I am actually saying. 

What I don’t like is needing to set up a whole new blog, domain name, etc to do it.  I’ve thought about putting it on my webpage in order to avoid that.  But it just feels like the focus of that website is too drastically different to put it there.  So, for now, I’m going to just write down my posts, until I settle on a location, then I will post all my posts.  

What would I like Worthy of Zion to focus on?  

#1 – My journey of self-discovery to figure out what a Zion Individual is.  In short, I think of the phrase that they were of one heart and one mind.  I don’t think it is necessarily an oversimplification, but the idea of being one heart and one mind may be harder in this world than it appears.  

#2 – I have had a lot of experience with repentance.  I would like to talk about it, and tell some of my stories regarding repentance and redemption.  

#3 – Following the 13th article of faith – We believe in being honest, true, chaste, benevolent, virtuous, and in doing good to all men; indeed, we may say that we follow the admonition of Paul—We believe all things, we hope all things, we have endured many things, and hope to be able to endure all things. If there is anything virtuous, lovely, or of good report or praiseworthy, we seek after these things.

#4 – I remember when I first found redemption.  There was an innocence that came along with an overwhelming desire to do what was right.  I often times found myself in situations where I felt others thought I was overzealous in my attempts to live the gospel.  Looking beyond the mark.  I always felt that they wanted me to ease up a bit and live the gospel at their level. Ultimately, I did.  Gradually I didn’t feel the Spirit of the Lord as much as I had.  There were even times I feel being too casual drew me away from the Lord. 

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