The Beginning Of My Journey To Be Worthy of Zion

I’m not a blogger.  But I love the gospel of Jesus Christ and I want to share what I learn, what I know, and what I have experienced through my mortal journey.  

Where do I start?  Maybe by identifying some of the pivotal points in my life. 

  • Fall
  • Redemption
  • First true friends
  • Mission
  • Marriage
  • Children
  • Life
  • Wavering Faith
  • Failure after failure
  • Second Awakening

I have always been fascinated about the second coming. I have read books, read videos, had discussions with people.  I was amazed by the book Visions of Glory.  I get that it is one man’s vision.  Take it as it is.  But there were a few things that stood out to me. 

#1 – The differences between good and evil spirits
#2 – Living matter
#3 – Walking to Zion

I liked the book so much I purchase an audio version to listen to as I drove to work.  After listening to it a few times, I thought, who is this John Pontius? 

I looked him up on Audible and found he had a few books.  So, I purchased a few of those to listen to on my way to work.  I started with Journey to the Veil, then Journey to the Veil 2.  It didn’t take long until I was overwhelmed with the Spirit.  

I had been asking for some time, what is my purpose.  I have felt it is more than being born, having a family, then dying.  I have tried many things occupying my free time, trying to find some measure of success in life, only to fail time and time again.  I have felt that so much of this time was a complete and utter waste.  I lamented at the thought of maybe having not listened to the spirit and maybe having taken the wrong path in life.  I had been praying, seeking the Lord’s direction wanting to know what direction I needed to take. 

As I listened to the words of the book Journey to the Veil and listened to the concept of preparing for zion, I started to feel something familiar.  It felt familiar.  It was the same feeling I had when I had first turned my life around.  There was innocence and purity to my thoughts and desires.  All I wanted to do was do good, follow God, and serve my brothers and sisters. I was hearing and feeling this again. 

Then I realized one day, this is who I want to be. This is who I need to be.  I need to be worthy of Zion.  I need to clean up the things in my life that are amiss.  I need to cleanse myself.  I need to repent and become worthy. Whether I travel to Zion or not.  I need to be worthy to be there. 

This started a journey that I have day by day and step by step trying to inch closer to who my father in heaven wants me to be, so I may be worthy to be in his presence.  

One of the steps I have taken is to improve my study.  I loved the Journey to the Veil book so much, I have wanted to study the posts, make my own path through the scriptures to better link the concepts to the word of God.  

My first time looking at the UnBlogMySoul blog, (today, just a few minutes ago) I realized I could document my own journey of faith to become Worthy of Zion.  God has been very merciful to me.  Much more than I deserve.  I hope that this journey of faith is acceptable to him.  Maybe by some means, it will help guide a few into his loving embrace. 

Following the admonition of John and Terri Pontius; as well as David Bednar, I am going to share my journey of faith. 

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