NYNYS Mission Oct 13-15, 1995

My thoughts:

This was an interesting time for me. It was like a tug of war on my soul. It was exciting to be a Spanish missionary; or at least the thought of becoming one. I went through a lot of highs and lows in the process of switching from English to Spanish.

I remember at one point praying and telling God if I was supposed to become a Spanish missionary to send me back to this area with this same companion and I would know it was what I was supposed to do. I would serve as a Spanish missionary faithfully. This was only the beginning of that journey.

Oct 13, 1995

We’re working hard trying to find and had a Spanish street meeting today. They wouldn’t let me up on the box because I don’t read or speak Spanish, rats. But I got a referral for them. Cool, there are so many stairs here. Hermana Kidd gave a power talk on faith. It was excellent. I also feel as though things are turning me to learn Spanish.

Oct 14, 1995

Today was hard. Walking a lot. Very tuff but may have 5 or 6 baptisms next week. Excellent.

Oct 15, 1995

I had a dream about a man the other night. He was old, had gray hair, and had a cap standing next to a pillar. I was telling God I would find him. Weird huh? And that I would help him. I didn’t know if it was who I’m looking for or if it was Jesus. I don’t know.

All the people are pushing me to change to Spanish. It would be so hard. Would I follow if it were God’s will? Would I do it? I would be lost for 2 or 3 months. It would take a lot of work and effort. A lot. But keep me out of places like Bed-Sty a missionary (Shaw) said he was beaten up twice and held up twice in one week. Wow, not a good week for him. He said his head was bruised and it made it hard to teach and love the people, very hard.

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