NYNYS Mission Jan 15-29, 1996

Jan 15, 1996

Today we baptized Pablo… I’m sick of my comp calling me gump.

[I get it, I fried a few brain cells, I talk like a burnout, it’s not necessary]

Jan 16, 1996

We ate pigs’ hoof today.

[I remember eating the pig’s hoof. It’ s been a memory that has never left me. I even talked to someone about it at work this week. Almost 30 years later. I remember it being all fat, rubbery and a small muscle between the bones of the hoof. Super disgusting.]

Jan 18, 1996

We tracked out a weird neighborhood. There was a cold feeling.

[We did very little trackting. I think we did a little in Patchogue because we had so few miles we could drive in the car, but it wasn’t often a whole neighborhood would give you a bad feeling.]

Jan 22, 1996

For some reason I’ve been writing in the mornings I thought I would write a little about my comp so I would get it out. First of all, he thinks I’m Forest Gump He likes to let everyone know too. It makes me upset. And I don’t like it. He’s planning on calling me Forest Gump in front of everyone tonight. I’m really not happy about this.

[I liked this companion a lot. But you live together for a month or two and they start to get on your nerves. This is one way, this guy got on my nerves. What do you do. I’m guilty of similar stuff.]

Jan 29, 1996

We went to a house and when we left I was walking alone and saw a picture I had to do a double take. It was a crotch shot of a man. My comp goes pick it up and burn it. I was so shocked when I saw it, I could hear someone laughing “they saw it”.

We think [a convert] is pregnant. At least that seems to be what the spirit is telling us. For some reason, I think she wants an abortion. Why do I think that?

We went to a wedding and a baptism today.

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