NYNYS Mission Feb 18-27, 1996

Feb 18, 1996 (Sunday)

Jamaica is pretty cool. All the people talk like Jamaicans (not really, but a lot do). The work’s coming along. We taught three women last night. We went in and BRT’d for a while. One girl is 31 and the other is 27; both are not married. Both women Maria and their grandmother. First, we sang Happy Birthday for the grandmother who was cool and taught a powerful discussion. They received it all so well. As we left we sang one more song. As I have Loved You. They liked it. We made some good friends, and the spirit touched their hearts. How blessed I was to be able to see.

Feb 19, 1996 (Monday)

So, we were walking and my comp said, where should we go? I did know. I said a little prayer and the word Lincoln came into my mind. I always feel dumb giving my ideas. I asked him if there was a street named Lincoln. He said no. I said OK, a building? He said no. But there is one called Clinton. He’s a president. So we were off to find it. As we walked up the border of our area, my comp goes look. I looked it was a building named Lincoln. But, it was in the sister’s area. The first building unit. So, we went to it anyway. We said, how are we going to do this? Then a guy walked out and we fearlessly him. He was friends with our correlator and knew a lot about the church from him. So, we taught him in the lobby of the building. It was phat.

I found a dime bag of marijuana on the street. It looked like this. Cool I guess. I saved someone from smoking a bowl.

Feb 22, 1996

Tues we slaved and Wed we didn’t rest enough. So I’m way tired and ache. I don’t understand why. I’m so tired, I’ll live with it.

Feb 23, 1996

Wow, things are going, my comp is really cool. I hope he’ll continue to bear with me. I do think I’m getting into a rut of baptizing once a month. I know we can baptize every week. My faith must grow, I love this work, and the opportunity to work I need to listen closely to the spirit to see when danger is coming.

My companion and I had a class tonight and we did little wristbands like Nephi and talked about all the cool stuff he did. It was fun. How he cut off Laban’s head. It was way cool and pretty spiritual. A complete success since the rest of the day was not. But was cool actually. We had one meeting that was good. I have been so tired I can hardly help. It is as though I can’t even get out of bed in the mornings.

Feb 27, 1996

The branch mission leader thinks they have to intervene in every person before baptism. So, the people must have 2 interviews. Wrong. He thinks we don’t know what to do, so we didn’t destroy the branch retention. Oh well, we’ll so what happens to be interesting to see all because of some missionary who wasn’t doing his job right. So he is a bully and hard on us now.

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