NYNYS Mission Feb 14-16, 1996

Feb 14, 1996

Not to Richmond Hills, no more. I’m off to Jamaica with Elder Izat.

Feb 15, 1996 (Tuesday)

At transferred yesterday Bailey said 3 zones had requested me to be in them. I don’t know why. I’m an outcast, a wallflower, it seems too weird. Bailey was wondering what I was up to. I didn’t do anything. Maybe God just wants me to have a little joy in my life. I feel noticed and loved.

I feel my body being molded into a glove in the shape of his almighty hand. Something weird I thought in the scriptures over and over again, they talk about things that are dangerous, and they do them because they Trust the Lord. They walk into danger knowing there will be deliverance. I shall never fear. I’ll stand tall for Him. In the face of any danger, He will protect me. He will deliver my life. He’s promised me that and I trust him.

I like my comp. He works hard. We were teaching a guy whose brother had died. My new comp helped him recognize the spirit.

Feb 16, 1996 (Saturday)

It being a hard winter in this area, people aren’t out so you got to go and look for them. We thought the guy and committed him to baptism on Wednesday. He’s way cool and the thing that impressed me about him was that he said he needs to repent of his sins first, he actually cared about it.

My thoughts:

I was thinking about the protection of the Lord. I can’t count how many times I was in dangerous situations, and it felt as though the Lord was protecting us.

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