NYNYS Mission Aug 29 – Sep 11, 1995

Aug 29, 1995

After this energetic day, I prayed for families, and we went to see an appointment and they weren’t home. But there was a man on the next porch over (missing his left arm). I watched him. He looked as though he loved his children. I felt as though I should speak with him, but I didn’t. So, after we left about 10-20 yards down the road, I told Elder Nielsen I thought I should have talked to the man and for some reason, I thought he was a minister. So Elder Nielson said let’s go back and we did. I talked to him. He is a minister. I told him about the Book of Mormon I told him I would attend his church if he would hear the first discussion. He said OK. So, he’s going to call us. Reverend Windgate, I believe is his name. I think he’ll be changing before soon. Heavenly father needs good men.

Aug 31, 1995

Today was a full day of proselyting, but the highlight was the pink house Projects. After dark about 8:00 PM someone on their stoop goes, “You know it’s after dark, don’t you?” We go; “Yep, we’re going to the Pink Houses” His jaw dropped. “Good luck” came the reply. “Be careful” is another frequent reply. It’s trippy. I know this place is very dangerous, but we never see any of the problems thank goodness. I hope I never do. The Lord protects us, and I know he does that by helping us avoid all of those things. I know because all I hear is sirens and people tell us about the violence and theft.

Sept 1, 1995

We were walking down the road and a fight broke out in front of us. I tripped and Elder Neilson kept telling me we had to go through it to get to our appointment, so we did. I hate fights.

Sept 2, 1995

On my first day, I was walking down the road and a man came riding by a ten-speed bike. That wasn’t the trippy part. The trippy part was that had a TV he was carrying it. The funny part was that the front tire was warped, and the back tire was dead flat. I laugh about this sight. Brooklyn is made up of this raze wire. My comp and the man upstairs were going to play a joke on me the first night. Stashing marijuana in the cupboard. It was still stashed there. He’s a cop and also a member. I’m glad it fell through. Lee Lee and Mary Ann are getting baptized tomorrow.

Sept 7, 1995

The lady who cut my hair was seductive. She wore nasty clothes and was bad how she touched me and the music that was playing was the worst. Have you ever loved a woman, blaugh blaugh blaugh. I think she just likes missionaries. She is going to try to get one of us. She is evil. She washed my hair and was leaning over me. I kept my eyes closed the whole time or else I would have died. My haircut looks good though.

Sept 10, 1995

You know the hooker that made me sick the first night. We bumped into her today and she went off on stories about people trying to kill her. Wacked, all sorts of stuff about spraying mace in different people’s faces and stuff. She wouldn’t tell us how long she has been in her line of business but said she’s a born-again Christian and shes been saved. I’m going to pray for her and Linda so the both of them will come out of that ditch that they’re in.

Sept 11, 1995

Today on our way back from an appointment with Catherin, we were walking down Atlantic ave and I saw some boy sitting looking at the ground, I thought I should have said Hi, if I would have, this might not have happened. After passing him, we heard him say; “hey you!” We turned around as he came up behind us. We watched him put his hand up in his shirt as if he had a gun. He goes, “give me all you got.” Personally, I was freaking out, even though I knew he didn’t have a gun. He was all tripping out saying he wanted our bags (this was in broad daylight with people all around). Then my example of a companion goes, “I’m a missionary for the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Siant. Have you heard of that?” the man still wanted our things. Then Elder Nielsen goes: “Here shake my hand.” Then the guys started shouting obscenities. “Shake my hand,” Elder Nielsen said again. Then the guy took his hand out of his shirt and walked away cursing. It was trippy, I was so impressed by my companion’s courage to stand firm. I was so scared.

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