NYNYS Mission Aug 16, 1995

Aug 16, 1995

Today was my first day. We had an orientation and breakfast until 11:00 AM. Then went to a chapel where everyone was transferring. It was crazy. My new companion is Elder Neilson. It is crazy. I’m in Brookly & Cypress Hills, it’s out of control. We are in all these places and the only white people around. First of all, the only people on the bus on the way here from the chapel. Wow bumping stereos all over, people smoking pot all over. I got a big whiff of some on accident today. It’s out of control here. There is garbage all over, you couldn’t believe it. They keep talking about street meetings. Also, wow, I’m going to do it. I’m getting braver I’ll go up and talk to people. It’s kind of fun but every time I do it the spirit gets so strong. You wouldn’t believe, I feel it so strong it makes me want to work so much harder. I do think I will work harder. I just felt it today. Our goal tomorrow is 10 fearlesses that is going up and GQ’ing people. It’s called fearless. 10 good ones will be good. Fun Fun Fun.

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