I was blind, but now I see

I was once one of the blind until my eyes were opened by the Holy Ghost and what I once could not see or even imagine became as true as the Sun in the sky at noon day.

I have often thought, if the blind could only see. And yet, I was once one of the blind. Puffed up in my own knowledge and pride. Completely unaware of my great nothingness and yet also unaware of my priceless eternal value. I know how it feels, because I experienced it.

I read today towards the end of the Joseph Smith History and this paragraph seemed to resonate with these feelings.

“On a sudden, as from the midst of eternity, the voice of the Redeemer spake peace to us, while the veil was parted and the angel of God came down clothed with glory, and delivered the anxiously looked for message, and the keys of the Gospel of repentance. What joy! what wonder! what amazement! While the world was racked and distracted—while millions were groping as the blind for the wall, and while all men were resting upon uncertainty, as a general mass, our eyes beheld, our ears heard, as in the ‘blaze of day’;

If only the world would open their eyes, ears, hearts and minds; they would see and know too.

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