Elder Holland

I remember when Jeffrey R Holland was called as an Apostle. There was something that didn’t sit right with me. There was some seed of distrust (a wedge) in my heart with regards to him. For many years, I would hear his messages and I would believe him, but not 100% trust him because this wedge in my heart persisted.

One day, as I prayed about it, not wanting to feel this disconnect with one of the Lords Apostles it was as though my spirit and the Holy Spirit came to an understanding. My heart was changed in an instance.

The Holy Spirit told me that Elder Holland has been called to do a great work. There was going to come a day when I would need to choose to follow Elder Holland or not. And Satan knew if he could drive a wedge between us, when that day came, I would not follow.

This is one of the most lovely principles of the gospel of Jesus Christ. That the Holy Ghost can teach and testify.

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