The Plan

Written Jan 1, 2022 on Facebook

I fell asleep early last night. About 10 PM. I couldn’t keep my eyes open and started to get annoyed by my son poking me and tugging on single strands of hair on my head while I was half asleep on the couch.

Off to bed I went. 8 hours later (that is a good night sleep for me), I’m awake and it’s a new year. I’m surprised how little I’m seeing on FB about the new year or last nights festivities. Maybe most people spent it at home like we did. Honestly, that isn’t a bad place to be.

Anyhow, lots of things have been drawing my attention back to the war in heaven, the plan, and the our part in that plan, this moment in time.

I remember I had a friend try to sell me on an MLM a while back, Life Leadership. Their whole thing was ‘tell them the plan’ over and over. What was the plan? The plan was me telling the plan; which was to tell people the plan and buy products of others telling the plan. Then you tell more people the plan and somewhere in there; buy products and I get rich. Honestly, ‘the plan’ didn’t make sense to me.

But, Gods plan is the complete opposite. Life didn’t make sense to me until I knew Gods plan.


We were created by God. We lived with him in heaven. He is our Father. He desired for us to become like him. He created an earth, where we could get a body like his. On this earth we would be tested, to see if we would follow His commandments.

He knew we would all fall short. He presented a plan, that included a Savior through whom we could all return to Him. Lucifer said, send me, I will force them to obey and give me all thy glory. Jesus Christ said, send me, I will lay down my life for them, and the glory be thine forever.

There was a war in heaven over these two choices and one third of our brother and sisters fell. They were cast out of heaven, along with Lucifer. Lucifer or Satan rules the earth, seeking to thwart the plan of God.

The plan has been rolling forth. Adam and Eve our first parents partook of the fruit that men may be. They provided the way that Gods spirit children could each obtain a body on earth. Jesus Christ lived and died so that each of those spirits could be redeemed from the fall of Adam. Everything hinged on that moment, the moment the Lamb without blemish bore the weight of sin for all mankind, then was sacrificed. It’s all been done.

We are in the final days before the return of Jesus Christ. Satan is desperately trying to destroy as many people as possible. His goal is to prevent as many people as possible from returning to the God that created them.

We know how it all ends. The final days are playing out before our eyes. Crazy unimaginable things will happen. They are not a surprise, they were foretold in scripture. Learn, then watch and be ready.

If you have not felt the redeeming love of Jesus Christ. I invite you to seek him. Read his words and learn what he taught. Then with an open heart, prayerfully ask your Father in Heaven for a witness through his Holy Spirit that Jesus is indeed His son and your Savior.

I have had that witness. I have had the Holy Spirit fill my heart and soul testifying that these things are true. It hasn’t made life any easier or perfect, but faith and hope are my companions and I have a direction and understanding.

No matter what happens in the future, there is nothing in this life more important and more precious, than a witness through the Holy Ghost that Jesus Christ is our Lord and Savior. Having the Holy Ghost as a companion will help you navigate these final days.

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