NYNYS Mission March 5-6, 1996

Mar 5, 1996 (Tuesday)

Wow, time goes by fast. You know I’m figuring I’ve got a lot more I must give, just how do I give it? Well, the last few days have been very good. Sunday the sisters had a baptism we helped them with. The English branch emptied the water out of the font and the font is BIG. It’s in the new Richmond Hills chapel. It’s a beautiful church. So we were filling up buckets in the bathroom sinks and kitchen to dump in it to fill it up faster. Wow, we got about one foot of water in it and baptized him. He’s over 80 years old. Pantciano. He’s a cold old man. He had to lie down on the bottom of the font. It was a good experience and he seemed to like it. So did all the branch members who helped.

That night we almost go hit by a car. I don’t know how I didn’t. I walked into the street and a car was coming so I took a little step back, but I didn’t know the car was turning. It was going pretty fast and turned so I would get clipped by the car and I stuck out my butt and I don’t know how it missed me. My hand hit the car, but that was it. Maybe it wasn’t as close as I thought it was. Then again, maybe it was.

We have been trying so hard to get these two Guatemalans into the waters of Baptism. The Maria’s and the Cruz family. We’re praying continually for God to soften their hearts. I know he can do it they could use the gospel so bad in their lives.

Mar 6, 1996 (Wednesday)

City Trip Today. I always come away feeling violated. Yesterday was very good. We almost got our 10 fearlesses and taught two discussions. One to the familia Cruz. Louis is progressing so well. We just may be able to baptize them on Sunday. We kept telling them they are. He feels so much better about baptism now. He’s been reading the bible and found things similar to what we’ve taught. His wife knows it is true but is patiently waiting for him. He’s going to do it. It’s just a matter of how soon. We’re so excited.

My attempts to follow the spirit are getting better. We were walking by a house and I knew it was Spanish. So, I stopped and knocked and talked. They weren’t interested but it was Spanish. We were walking by a building and my comp goes, I’ve never been in there so we went in. We went up the stairs to the floor I felt like stopping on listening to the spirit and praying for where to go and knocked on a door. We knocked on the door I was sure was correct. It wasn’t, but they sent us to another door and we taught them a first discussion. Wow. In another building, my comp wanted to knock the whole building. I hate trackting. So, I prayed. In my prayer, I thought C2 felt good. But there was only a 2C so we knocked on that door and set up an appointment. It was cool.

I’ve prayed and not gotten any answers. I told my heavenly father I would do this at least once a day until I felt secure in my feelings. I now feel I could do it a little more often. It’s becoming a good tool I must magnify it more now that I feel more in tune. I don’t want to lose it. Boy that would be a shame.

OK, off to Manhattan. Bye.

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