NYNYS Mission March 1, 1996

Mar 1, 1996 (Friday)

Wow, I went dry for my first month. I saw no souls enter the kingdom.

I haven’t written because it’s been a rough week.

Wednesday – We went to Catherin’s house to get her excited about the church. I like her and her family a lot. Her little girls are so cute. I was happy to be able to go and see them again.

Thursday – We had a Mission Conference. Elder Von J Featherstone came and taught us. He told story after story along with experiences and poems. Wow, the man was impressive. His knowledge of the gospel and the savior. I indeed was swept up into the light of the heavens by the spirit that was present. He told us about his experience with the prophet and I was amazed he has been a General Authority for like 29 years. He told us all about the Holy of Hollies in the Temple. I was blown away by what he said. I remember hearing people get a special invitation to the temple from the prophet. Now I know why. It was beautiful. I could just imagine it. He told us about how they choose missions. We were taught by him for 5 hours.

Our family, the Cruz family is having a hard time deciding to be baptized so I’m going to fast for them.

And my Spanish is coming along.

Grandma keeps writing expecting more letters. I figure I’ll just send one every other week. Oh well. Too much writing like I’m doing right now. OK, goodbye.

PS, I’m so grateful for the prophets and apostles. They love us so much that they would do anything for us. I thank my father in heaven for them. Greatly. Adios amigo.


My thoughts:

I keep finding things I wish I wrote more about so that my memory was clearer. I remember Elder Featherstone coming to speak to us. There were a few things about it that were mind-blowing.

There was a point at which he asked us to ask some questions. One missionary threw out a softball question. He proceeded to go into a great explanation about the Salt Lake Temple. I remember him pointing out all the scriptures that described each piece of temple clothing.

Then walking us through every room in the temple, describing every table, chair, plant, and picture. He took us floor by floor through the temple. He described the dressing room and office above the Holy of Holies that the prophet and apostles use and then told of an experience he had with the prophet when the revelation was received that the priesthood should be given to every worthy male. He described the events that took place that day in angelic detail.

When he talked of the Holy of Hollies, he explained what was in the room, and what ordinance took place in the room.

I still remember the experience, the feelings, and the testimony I gained that day. It has been 25 years and I still remember them. I may not remember every detail, but I remember my soul burning with fire.

I also learned that day that the servant of the Lord can tell whether or not a missionary has the Holy Ghost.

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