Being worthy when needed

I received a call last night that my brother had been hurt in a motorcycle accident. He was rearended by a drunk driver who ended up driving over him and crushing his ankle.

My brother is a good man, a little rough around the edges, but a good man and good example to me. He had recently taken a new position as a chaplain at the VA Medical Center in Dallas TX.

I tried to reach out to him and his wife to no avail. That is to be expected with such a traumatic event taking place. But I was surprised to have them call me asking me to pray with them over the phone and bless him.

I know you can’t give blessings over the phone. I followed his advice as an LDS Chaplain and followed the Holy Ghost. It was one of the most special experiences I have ever had. We all wept together as we exercised our combined faith that he would be healed.

After hanging up, I sat and prayed for him and his family. As I meditated and prayed, that thought came to my mind, what if I had not been worthy? I think of those people who when called; they say I can’t. Or they happen across and accident and are unable to assist with priesthood power because they are unworthy? When those closest to you need your faith the most.

I want to be found worthy in all those situations.

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